Acupuncture & Insomnia
Living in a fast-paced world, we often find ourselves neglecting one of the most important aspects of our health - sleep. According to a study by the CDC, one-third of U.S adults report that they usually get less than the recommended amount of sleep. Insomnia, which impacts millions of people worldwide, is one of the common sleep-related disorders.
Unlike western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) often takes a holistic approach that incorporates treatment with herbs, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes. In TCM, the main goal is to identify and treat the underlying cause of insomnia. Here are some Chinese herbs that can help with insomnia:
1. Valerian root: This herb has sedative effects that help improve the quality of sleep. It calms the nervous system and promotes relaxation.
2. Jujube: Also known as red dates, jujube is a common ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. It contains flavonoids and saponins that have a calming effect on the body. Jujube can also help with anxiety and depression, which are often associated with insomnia.
3. Reishi mushroom: Reishi is a well-known adaptogen that helps the body handle stress. It contains compounds that promote relaxation, boost the immune system, and improve sleep quality.
4. Ginseng: This herb is often used in TCM to boost energy levels during the day and promote relaxation at night. It contains compounds called ginsenosides, which have a calming effect on the body.
5. Schisandra: Schisandra is a herb that can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. It contains lignans, which have a mild sedative effect.
In TCM, practitioners will often combine these herbs to create personalized formulations tailored to the patient's specific needs. Using Chinese herbs to manage insomnia can help avoid the side effects of western medications. The use of Chinese herbs, along with lifestyle modifications, could be an effective option for anyone who has been struggling with insomnia.